Yesterday was a BIG day in the Pitchford household. Josh is off on Fridays and I live for those days because I'm mostly at home all by myself during the day until I begin working. So, as you can imagine, I live for the days he's off and we can plan to do something together. Our big plan yesterday was to go grocery shopping!!!! Real fun, right? Well, it turned out to be. We went to our favorite place first.... Costco! As soon as we walked in the door, we saw that the flat panel t.v. that Josh has wanted for about a year now was ON SALE! We've been saving for this purchase since his birthday last year and we had enough saved to purchase the t.v. and the HDMI cables! So, we decided to go ahead and make our move. After we finished our shopping there, we headed over to Sam's because we had seen a Sony Blu-Ray disc dvd player on sale there last week. Lucky for us it was still on sale! This is Josh's early b-day present from me!
He came home and set everything up right away until he realized that the cable box we have doesn't have a HDMI connector. He's going to try to switch that out with Comcast today so that the t.v. will do exactly what he wants it to do. I'll be without a working t.v. all day today but that's okay because, believe it or not, I have a long list of things to do.
We are going to help out Josh's friend Zach with his truck. He needs it moved from his work to his apartment because he bought a new jeep. We're going to help him out with that tonight and he's going to come help Josh move the old t.v. out of our apartment and have dinner with us. Our first guest... I'm very excited! I cleaned earlier this week so all I need to do today is tidy, get everything prepared for dinner, exercise and work on some embroidery projects. It's a great day to be inside too because it's been raining, thundering and lightening since late last night. I'm not used the storms they have up here. The one thing about them is the thunder is really LOUD. It sounds like there's a giant drum sitting right over your house. I got up shortly after Josh this a.m. because it was so loud, I could no longer sleep.
Well, I have a lot to get started on today so I better get going!
Until next time...
David is jealous!