Monday, April 18, 2011

God is Good!

I felt a huge wave of relief come over me this morning as I got good news! I spoke with the principal of the first school I ever worked for and I've been unofficially offered a kindergarten position for the upcoming school year. It is the answer to a huge prayer and I have no doubt that God has his hand in this plan. I've been stressed about planning a move without a secured job but, as always, God has taken care of our needs. I'm thrilled to be "going home." I'll be working with people I know and will be a part of a wonderful team again!

Josh and I have also recently rented a three bedroom townhouse in North Charleston beginning in June. The plan is for me to move back to SC on June 10th so I can get settled in our new home as well as my new classroom and Josh will move back to Charleston in October. It will be incredibly difficult to be apart from him again but I have lots of friends in and around Charleston to hang out with and my sister is planning to live with me until Josh is able to return!

We have a big task ahead of us now... time to start packing and I never thought I'd be soooooo excited about that! SC, I'll be home soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;o)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Josh after Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Phyllis and I took Josh to have all four of his wisdom teeth removed today. One was a partial bony removal and the other three were complete bony removals, meaning three were very impacted and one was slightly impacted. I tried to video him in the post op room but I got reprimanded by the assistant so I had to stop. This is the funniest video we got of him so far. He's finally asleep and in less pain for now since the pain medicine seems to have finally kicked in.

He looks pretty pathetic but has been a trooper so far. Phyllis has been in charge of doing the dirty work. I can't stand to look at blood so she's changed out all of the gauze. He has tea bags hanging out of his mouth now... a pretty humorous sight!

Enjoy the video!